Friday, March 5, 2010

90 Day Play - Day 5

Just returned from seeing a wonderful production of Much Ado About Nothing at Hope tonight.

Update: Spencer has agreed to compose a folk hymn based on the "Dies irae" (yay!) This makes me even more excited about pushing this play further!

I have formulated the final scene of the play, and I must is epic. I have not yet written it, but I'm pretty sure it should be done by tomorrow. This is going to help my process tremendously. I like to write big plot points and then fill in the spaces. When I have the beginnings and ends of each act, it begins to feel like putting together a puzzle. The story begins to tell itself - to logically flow from one major development to the next. I also enjoy writing backwards, because I believe it gives characters a greater sense of purpose.

I've also decided to cut a character. One of the brother's isn't necessary, so why keep him in there? It's really going to tighten the script up significantly. I think I also need to get rid of one of the women, but I'm going to hold off on that until I'm in the second draft phase.

So far, Transcontinental is a freeing piece for me. Kyrie was restricted with realism and The Hound, or Libera me was restricted by the Hound character, who is a constant force of nature. I love the concepts for both plays, but the world of Transcontinental is unique. I feel like I have a lot of room to experiment and really go out there with the characters and the plot. The process feels smoother, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm more used to it now or because the play is easier to write. In any case, I really think that this one is going to be performance ready far ahead of the other two.

This is a short post because I'm so tired. I'm doing some more writing tomorrow...hopefully I'll have an excerpt or something I'm willing to show!


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